About Math Dragons

Forged in the fiery depths of the Tech Educators September 2023 Full Stack Mern Bootcamp, our heroes formed an almighty alliance, the Math Dragons!

With only one goal in mind (saving princesses from dragons while getting good marks on their group project), our champions set forth on making the greatest Choose Your Own Story story that the internet has ever known. Using their talents as expert Javascript jedis, and their supernatural CSS wizardry, over four gruelling days they managed to compile the masterpiece before you.

Hark at the data persistence, utilising Local Storage. Be dazzled by the transforming heads below, animated when hovered on. Marvel at the complex code it must have taken to complete the labyrinth of a storyline we have just taken you on. This must be worth top marks, you wonder to yourself. But who should you be awarding them to? Your warriors await below.

Aaron Smith

I was born in Hackney, but I have lived in East Anglia
for most of my life, the inspiration for much of my imagination can be found around the woodlands, historic buildings, and churches where I live. Moreover, I also grew-up listening to stories of the Hobbit, Wind in the Willows and Peter Pan, while my own father was an avid storyteller with stories of Pirates and buried Treasure.

Hobbyist coder (unfortunately mostly back-end) with varied interests including old school 1980’s video games, football, and art (especially the Dutch art style ‘de stijl’).

Looking to work in tech because of the culture, open mindedness, and respect that people have for one another.

Andy Fennell

39 and still not knowing what he wants to do with his
life, Andy ditched his boring but safe job (as a Probation Officer) and embarked (hopefully) on a career in the tech industry.

Born and raised in the gang-ridden suburbs of Rainhill, Andy spent most his adult life living in and around Liverpool City Centre, until being sucked back into the ghettos of L35.

When he is not busy fighting dragons and saving maidens, Andy has interests in music, TV geeking, travelling, football, and football shirt collecting.

Luke Reynolds

Like many millenials and gen zedders, over the past decade I have been chewed up and spat out of the educational pipeline, over qualified for everything, not enough experience for anything. So after working in academia and the NHS I decided to try my hand at self-employment in the last two years. This is a work in progress.

My main motivation for stepping into tech is to gain and improve on the logical thinking skills that it requires to be in this field. In a world of misinformation, the ability to establish a mental framework for addressing questions correctly is very important and I think programming and logic can help me improve my critical thinking and my approach to questions.

I also like to build things and be creative!

Neill Edwards

Born Liverpool, have lived in Liverpool, London and my imagination. Has a soft spot for post-apocalyptic fiction, so his imagination is not necessarily the nicest place to live. Developed an interest in computers early in the first home computer boom, and and an interest in choose your own adventures in the Forest of Doom.

Has been programmimg intermittently since learning BASIC in the early eighties but is now looking for consistent work in this field. Constantly haunted by the fear that there is an easier way to do whatever it is he's doing. Regards getting any work done despite this as a triumph of the human spirit.